I have...

1.Banner Saga
2.Shadow Warrior

I want...

CS:GO keys

Banner Saga - 2 CS:GO keys
Shadow Warrior - 1 CS:Go keys

Both games is gifts (ROW).

8 years ago*

would you take 1 tf2 key?

8 years ago

Thanks for offer, but I'm only prefered CS keys.

8 years ago

I can over pay with a tf2 key and a foil card. If you sell both you can easily purchase whatever key you want. If you don't want to do that, I'll try to get my hands on a cs:go key. Is there a specific type you want?

8 years ago*

added willing to trade divinity oriiginal sin key for it

8 years ago

I'm not interested.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.