I have...


I want...



6 years ago*

Bioshock 1 for a free game? Buddy :( I don't think any one would.. they are both $1 bundle games but not while its free :( and there is only 15 days before that game code goes bye bye :(

6 years ago

Not nearly as bad as the other guy who wanted PUBG for it.

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

Well if I get a spare code for bioshock ill hit you up since I dont really care about spending that much money :P

6 years ago


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

bro that was no reason to leave a -rep ( https://www.steamtrades.com/go/review/cuMYT ) . He removed his - rep. Yea thats not a way to start of trading asking for free stuff, but its hard to even get a start at trading if you have -rep. You should think about making it a +rep if you cant delete it, make it + but leave the bad comment. -rep is for scams bro.

also you are trying to trade a bundled "free" game for games that are not bundled. Bundled games are worth like $0.10-$2.00. unBundled games are worth basically there lowest sale price.

p.s. bioshock you may be able to get if your very very lucky and someone has a bundle version that wants your game.

here is 2 tools:



I am willing to help teach you anything if you want just hit me up, this looks like a bad start for the both of you TBH.

6 years ago*

Closed 6 years ago.