AvP Classic gotta go man, please, just make some offers!

I don't want any coupons though.

And as for my money? I got enough for SPAZ, and not much else, but anything that costs as much as SPAZ, or less, I will consider getting for a good offer.

1 decade ago*

Are you accepting TF2 items?

1 decade ago

'Fraid not, No interest in the game anymore.

1 decade ago

Oh, ok D: I have only that and some coupons, but since you dont want any...

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

AvP Classic for Steel Storm: Burning Retribution??

1 decade ago

I'll wait and see, but I doubt that I want to take that offer, I already own it from Humble Bundle, and so do a lot of people.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.