I have...

Hogwarts Legacy - Digital Deluxe Edition digital copy for Xbox Series X / Xbox One

I want...

TF2 keys

I have an unused key for Hogwarts Legacy - Digital Deluxe Edition for the Xbox Series X / Xbox One. This digital copy was purchased from a vendor in North America so I don't know if it's region restricted (I've been told it shouldn't be, but I can't confirm), so assume it's only valid in North America unless you believe otherwise.

I'm only looking for TF2 keys on this (I'm not interested in anything else at the moment so please don't make any other offers). You will also have to go first with the keys regardless of rep (if this is an issue please find someone else to trade with, as I won't budge on this). If you're interested post your offer in this thread first and if I'm interested I will send you a friend request (I will ignore any friend requests made). If you have any questions let me know. Thanks.

1 year ago

want 5 tf2 keys for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines ?

11 months ago

Closed 11 months ago.