I have...

Like I said in title I have extra copies of Payday the heist

I want...

I'll consider any decent offers, I want to make my first trade,so it doesn't even necessarily need to be a game but if you want to offer dota, TF2, CS items or cards I still want about 10 euros worth (the game is currently 14.99 on steam.

I only got the games recently, so I can't trade it directly, only send it as a gift. So far I've created 8 giveaways that have finished, 7 were confirmed to have been received, the eighth I have tried sending the gift to the guy by email and I have tried adding him on steam but the only feedback from him is a message asking if I sent him the key. Considering the problems with that eighth person, I'll add the person on steam and send the gift through steam.

8 years ago

Hi, Angels of Fasaria: Version 2.0 from your wishlist for Payday The Heist and Soundtrack?

8 years ago

Your game doesnt worth for that price anymore people can pay 1 cs key or 4 sack of gem for this :v.It has more discount and in humble bundle so dont hope to get original price

8 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.