I currently have a tradable copy of Crusader Kings II Collection (includes all DLC) in my inventory that I may or may not activate.
Just interested to see what people will offer and depending on whether I see anything I like I may trade it.

As I may very well keep this for myself do not try to offer low and bargain your way up as I will very likely ignore your offer, for this reason only offer what you consider fair and what you are willing to do.
Will accept steam tradables, PayPal, TF2 keys and steamkeys (with the offerer going first).

Do NOT offer Dotas, Indies (bundles or individuals), Ships or random dlc. Any obvious low balls will be considered a free bump and will be ignored. I will try to reply to everything else. As I have not yet decided whether I will trade this or not I will not be accepting any friend invitations, please just offer below and if I'm interested I will reply to you saying so and add you myself.

If you're unsure of its value look around in other threads or check steam/gmg/amazon prices.

1 decade ago*

Closed 1 decade ago.