I got some extra keys from IG and Groupees and I would like to trade them for TF2 Keys (normal 3,66ref), Metal, Craft Hats (normal 1,22 ref) and Games.

I can trade Giftable urls:

IG Flash BTA - 8 left - 2TF keys

IG Colossus BTA - 9 left - 2TF keys

Groupees BMA nonBTA - 3 left - 1TF key

I also have some individual steam keys from these bundles.

Please, offer here or add me if you agree with price!

1 decade ago*

What for all of them together except Magicka?

1 decade ago

How much ref for demigod?

1 decade ago

Add me to negotiate :D .

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.