I have...

Hacker Evolution

I want...

Planetary Annihilation
Planetary Annihilation: TITANS
Particle Fleet: Emergence

I only have 1 cheap key, but it would be awesome if somebody would be generous enough to gift me one of these games.
I'm asking because these games are on sale right now, so they are 80% off.

7 years ago

U can sell some of your CSGO skins and buy game and problem is solved, no? :)
or trade them for game u want

7 years ago

Yeah I guess so, but that would mean getting rid of my nice skins.

Selling my skins is my backup plan

7 years ago

Yeah nice / popular skins has some value, not the potato ones :D btw i add u for smth

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.