I have...

http://prntscr.com/h1nms8 (screen shot of my offer, includes all of below)
Team Fortress: Classic (5$)
Half-Life: Opposing Force (5$)
Half-Life (10$)
Half-Life: Blue Shift (5$)
Half-Life 2 (10$)
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch (5$)
Half-Life 2: Lost Cost (No Price, comes free with HL2)
Half-Life 2: Episode One (8$)
Half-Life 2 Episode Two (8$)
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source (10$)
Portal (10$)
Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic (10$)
Terraria (10$)
The Stanley Parable (15$)

Total: 121$
Total (that you might actually play): 91$

I want...

Endless Space 2 (40$)

I am offering ALL of these games for Endless Space 2. Good starting games for low-end computers of new gamers if you want to get someone into games.
Just add me, idc if you comment here first,
Ill ask who you are, just say you're there to trade.
I'd be happy if you didn't ask for all the non-half life games, but I will trade all of them if you want all of them.
Thanks, Sep

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.