I have...

I am looking to idle your games, and I will give you all the cards back from the game. I just need more games in my library. I have idled a bunch myself, so some titles may not be avaliable to idle on my account.

I want...

Games to idle with 100% card return

Thanks in advance!

7 years ago

hi there i'm intrested
i'll add you on steam

7 years ago

I have some games for you. If interested add me on steam
Turn around
A grande bagunça espacial - The big space mess
A detective's novel
Unforgiving trials: the darkest crusade
Unforgiving Trials: The space crusade
Heaven Forest VR MMO
High On Racing
GooCubelets: OCD
GooCubelets: The Void

7 years ago

Added, Message me when you accept it!

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.