Hello there, I'm a bit new here after my friend told me about this site, but uh, any who.

I have the Worms Revolution Season Pass which costs around $14.99 as of right now to those of you who live in the US, and well, this isn't really something at all, but I'll go ahead and send/trade it to the user who manages to lend me at least $14.98 (Not a huge difference but oh well.) to my Paypal account.

It's pretty much 1 cent less, but yeah, that's my offer.

1 decade ago*

1 ref would be enough?

1 decade ago

I'll think about it.

1 decade ago

I don't think anyone is going to "lend you" the money when they could just avoid the talks if they're interested in the game (take less time), and then you have PayPal fees to consider. Sorry but I think you're going to have to offer it for a bit less.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.