add me

1 decade ago*

Good luck with that

1 decade ago

Stop spamming people with this.

1 decade ago

Then people should stop spamming trades with unrealistic expectations

1 decade ago

Is not unrealistic all that much, the ru system was discovered and patched only recently. Some people may still want to sell it for low. You know, you can be reported for spamming. Just advising you to remove your comment. You are free to take or leave my advise, just, yeah. No one will appreciate replies like this.

1 decade ago

"Some people may still want to sell it for low"
^^lol. Why would anyone ever want to sell something for less?

1 decade ago

If they are desperate for quick keys. I had a guy offer me Counter Strike complete for 3 Team Fortress 2 keys back then, when it's price was 7~8 keys. I don't think you have had much experience of trading if you don't even know this. No wonder you'd "lol"

1 decade ago

Yeah rigth because commenting like 3 times the same thing is considered spamming ?

1 decade ago

No, but you are commenting with an intention of hurting the OP(believe me, I agree that the offer isn't very fair) without actually offering a trade, the reason why steamtrades is there after all. You might be reported for spamming/ inappropriate behaviour.

EDIT: It looks like you aren't the most active guy on Steamgifts, so I can totally understand why you'd be so up and front about it. Better take some time to read all the FAQs, eh?

1 decade ago

Wishing you the best of luck out of my heart. :)

1 decade ago

too late for this price xD

1 decade ago

This. Some people may still be needing keys quickly, though it is highly doubtful ;D Wishing the OP all the best.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.