Here is the exact description:

I put over 200,00 € and hours and hours in this game

Level 30 EU-West

2271 Normal Wins about 1700 looses, over 500 Ranked wins or more

1 Region Transfer free
Riotpoints left: 93
Influencepoints: 1064

Ranked: Season 1 - Silver, Season 2 - Silver, Season 3 - Silver 1

Augenskin/Eyeskins - Siegreich-Augenskin der dritten Saison,

Geisterhaftes Auge

5 Runenseiten/Runepages

I have prepaired/are possible

Full Attack Damage runesite possible +22 normal Damage,

Magician Site: Ability Power +85 at max lvl,

Suportrunesite: magie Resistenz/magic resistance +12, Rüstung/Armour

Gold Einkommen/Gold increase every 10 seconds +5,3,

Crite Runesite: + 46% Erhöhter kristischer schaden/increased Critical


...and many more runes with which you can prepare your own runessite


104 Champions
the 12 Champions that remains to buy:
Jinx, Lucian, Quinn, Tresh, Vi, Nami, Draven, Lulu, Fiora, Maokai,

Heimerdinger, Galio

Skins (translate from german to your language)

Alistar - entfesselter Alistar
Amumu - Geschenk-Amumu
Annie - Frostfeuer Annie, Panda Annie
Ashe - Waid Ashe
Blitzcrank - IBlitzcrank
Brand - Vandalen Brand, Gefrier Brand
Cassiopeia - Desperada-Cassiopeia
Cho-Gath - Jurassic Cho'Gath
Mundo - Mr. Mundoverse
Fiddlesticks - Gespenstischer Fiddlesticks, Holzbein Fiddlesticks,

Fizz - Fischer Fizz
Gangplank - Schauriger Gangplank, Milizionär Gangplank, Special Forces

Garen - Rauer Garen
Gragas - Nobler Gragas, Vandalen Gragas
Graves - Söldner Graves
Jarvan IV - Kommando-Jarvan IV
Jax - Vandalen Jax
Karma - Traditionelle Karma
Karthus - Sensenmann-Karthus, Pentakill-Karthus
Kassadin - Vorboten Kassadin
Kayle - Richtspruch Kayle
Kennen - Dr. Kennen
Kha'Zix - Mecha-Kha'Zix
Lee Sin - Traditioneller Lee-Sin
Lux - Imperiale Lux
Malphite - Marmor Malphite
Malzahar - Gebieter Malzahar
Master Yi - Assassinen-Yi, Iona-Yi
Miss Fortune - Cowgirl Miss Fortune
Mordekaiser - Fürst Mordekaiser
Morgana - Sündige Nascherei Morgana, Klingenherrin-Morgana, Geisterbraut Morgana
Nasus - Schreckensritter Nasus
Nocturne - Spuk Nocturne
Nunu - Zerstörer Nunu
Panthein - Fullmetal-Pantheon
Renekton - Blutzorn Renekton
Rengar - Kopfjäger Rengar
Riven - Purpurelite-Riven
Ryze - Onkel Ryze
Sejuani - Säbelzahn-Sejuani, Dunkelreiter-Sejuani, Traditionelle Sejuani
Shaco - Königlicher Shaco
Shen - gefrorener Shen
Shyvana - Eisenschuppen-Shyvana, Dunkelflammen-Shyvana
Singed - Surfer-Singed
Sion - Hextech-Sion
Sona - Musen-Sona
Taric - Smaaragd-Taric
Teemo - Späher Teemo
Tristana - Riot-Tristana, Seeräuber-Tristana
Trundle - Schrottplatz Trundle, Traditioneller-Trundle
Tryndamerer (LEGENDARY SKIN) Dämonenklingen-Tryndamere
Twisted Fate - High Noon Twisted Fate
Twitch - Gangster-Twitch
Vayne - Aristokraten Vayne
Veigar - Graubart Veigar, Kobold Veigar
Vladimir - (LEGENDARY SKIN) Blutfürst Vladimir
Warwick (ALL SKINS) - Großer Böser Warwick, Tundrajäger Warwick, Wilder
Warwick,Feuerklauen Warwick, Hyänen Warwick
Xin Zhao - Imperialer Xin Zhao, Viscero Xin Zhao,
Zilean - Zeitmaschinen Zilean

If I get a buyer he/she will get the login information via E-Mail and can change the owner Email to his/her own so I and nobody else can not claim the account back.

First you pay then you get the account so scammer will have no chance cause this is gonna be a big deal!

Deal Starts at 50 Keys and 90,00 € ~ 95,00 $
If I won't find an interest I will put it in ebay on the 14th dec.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.