I have...

I have a League of Legends account, but since i havent played in over a year i decided to sell the account.
http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/23624459 my friend played on it a bit past season i think and was gold. other than that i do not know on what mmr it is currently.

The account contains the following:

Runes: - 11 RunePages IP: 6077 / RP : 28
9x Armor
9x Armor Pen
9x Flat AD
9x AttackSpeed
9x MagicPen

9x Armor
9x Flat HP
9x Scaling AP
9x Scaling HP

9x Flat AP
9x Flat MR
9x Scaling AP

3x Flat AP
3x Armor
3x ArmorPen
3x Flat AD
2x AttackSpeed
3x Gold per Second
3x Flat Health
3x Lifesteal
3x MagicPen
3x Movespeed

Champions & Skins
Aatrox - /
Ahri - /
Akali - Crimson Akali
Alistar - Unchained Alistair
Amumu - /
Anivia - /
Annie - /
Ashe - Woad Ashe
Blitzcrank - /
Brand - /
Braum - /
Caitlyn - /
Cassiopeia - Mythic Cassiopeia
Cho' Gath - /
Corki - /
Darius - Lord Darius
Diana - /
Dr. Mundo - /
Draven - /
Elise - /
Evelyn - /
Ezreal - /
Fiddlesticks - Spectral Fiddlesticks
Fiora - /
Fizz - /
Galio - Gatekeeper Galio
Gangplank - /
Garen - Dreadknight Garen
Gragas - /
Graves - Mafia Graves
Hecarim - Reaper Hecarim
Heimerdinger - /
Irelia - Frosted (Big Booty) Irelia
Janna - /
Jarvan IV - /
Jax - The Mighty Jax, Temple Jax
Jayce - Full Metal Jayce
Jinx - /
Karma - Traditional Karma
Karthus - /
Kassadin - /
Katarina - Mercenary Katarina
Kayle - Judgement Kayle
Kennen - /
Kha'Zix - /
Kog'Maw - Lion Dance Kog'Maw
LeBlanc - Wicked LeBlanc
Lee Sin - Dragon Fist Lee Sin
Leona - /
Lissandra - /
Lucian - /
Lulu - Wicked Lulu
Lux - Spellthief Lux
Malphite - Glacial Malphite
Malzahar - Djinn Malzahar
Maokai - /
Master Yi - /
Miss Fortune - /
Mordekaiser - Lord Mordekaiser
Morgana - /
Nami - /
Nasus - Infernal Nasus, Galactic Nasus
Nautilus - /
Nidalee - French Maid Nidalee, Headhunter Nidalee
Nocturne - /
Nunu - /
Olaf - Brolaf
Orianna - /
Pantheon - Perseus Pantheon
Poppy - /
Quinn - /
Rammus - /
Renekton - /
Rengar - /
Riven - Battlebunny Riven
Rumble - /
Ryze - /
Sejuani - /
Shaco - Workshop Shaco, Asylum Shaco
Shen - Warlord Shen
Shyvana - /
Singed - /
Sion - /
Sivir - /
Skarner - Sandscourge Skarner
Sona - /
Soraka - /
Swain - Northern Front Swain
Syndra - /
Talon - /
Taric - /
Teemo - /
Thresh - /
Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana
Trundle - Traditional Trundle
Tryndamere - Viking Tryndamere
Twisted Fate - /
Twitch - /
Udyr - /
Urgot - /
Varus - /
Vayne - /
Veigar - /
Vi - /
Viktor - /
Vladimir - /
Volibear - /
Warwick - /
Wukong - /
Xerath - /
Xin Zhao - Commando Xin Zhao, Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
Yasuo - /
Yorick - /
Zac - /
Zed - /
Ziggs - /
Zilean - /

I want...

Keys and/or games.
Open to offers.

As already stated i have not played for over a year and nor i plan getting back to LoL. I will only trade with someone that has a high reputation or use a middle man to avoid issues.

Feel free to add me on steam or reply here for additional information or any questions you may have.

(It's possible that i can get RP/IP for a name change if that is an issue).

9 years ago*

Payday: The heist
Guns of icarus: online
Boson X

ik its not the best of offers but i will give you those games for it

9 years ago

I already own Payday: The heist and Guns of Icarus, and im not interested in Boson X.
Thanks for the offer though.

8 years ago


This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago by a staff member.