Well as title says. I used to have a 75% off coupon for Forge, but saw that the game was buggy and all, so I actually gave it away for free.

Now I see that they have pretty much relaunched the game with a lot of added features and a sale, which stacks with the Raptr coupon.

I'm kinda interested in the game now, so if anyone still has a Raptr coupon I'd be pretty grateful if they could pass it to me so I can purchase this game while the sale lasts. As a symbolic thing I'd give an Arma 3 Lite for it, as it does not have much value, but still someone may need it to try the game out.

If you are willing to do this add me please. Thanks.

1 decade ago*

I have a Forge coupon.. Add me if you wanna talk :)

1 decade ago

Eh, sorry mate, I forgot to close this down. I already got the coupon.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.