[want any desura game 1 card each as many games as possible] [my list of games so far -> ]
sell, trade diablo3 wowmop acount blizzard sell = 100 steam wallets trade = 15 keys steam tf2 csgo dota 2 2 giftgames steam any game list: dayz , arma 3, dark souls 1, dark souls 2, wasteland 2, skyrim, divinity original syn, grim dawn, thief, transformers, tropico 5, company of heroes 2, civilization 5, planetary anihilation, lichdom battlemage, next car game, the golf club, shadow heretic kingdoms,.... others offers
first you trade your game gift the after i offer my acount blizzard with D3 ROS the wow MOP
add me skype for talk the trade: xmottax1 our add me steam: [C4]alpharion ty
Humble Weekly Bundle or Humbe Square Enix Bundle for Dead Island Epidemic ? I can trade key too, but I prefer cards or games...
The list had some titles outdated, "Airbucaneers" was one of them, I updated it now. Though I would do "Vanguard Princess" for 2refs. Thank you for offering.
Anomaly Warzone Earth for TRopico 3?If you're interested,please add me on steam
I would like to get Syberia 2 and I will send you hitman absolution, please :)
binairy domain for: Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded, Alien Shooter 2: Conscription, Zombie Shooter,
Viking: Battle for Asgard: a train 8 ?
Thanks for the offer, but I have the ones I´m interested in. I´ll keep an eye on your thread.
I have crusader kings 2 and ill give it to you for 6 Operation Breakout Keys ($15)
Thanks for the offer, but I'm just interested in trying that game out to see if I like the genre or not, so not really a priority.
/Steam redeemable keys:
3 Stars of Destiny
iBomber Attack
A New Beginning - Final Cut
Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded
Ballpoint Universe - Infinite
City of Steam: Arkadia (Orange Bundle DLC)
Eschalon: Book II
Gravity Badgers
Gun Metal
Knights and Merchants: The Peasants Rebellion
Litil Divil
Little Farm
Men of War: Red Tide
Metal Planet
Pacific Storm Allies
Paranautical Activity
Rush for Glory
Thomas Was Alone
World War 2: Time of Wrath
"Beware Planet Earth!"
6180 The Moon - Deluxe
Air Control
Alterego: Dreamwalker
Another Perspective
Arson & Plunder
Banzai Pecan: Last Hope for the Young Century
Bionic Heart
Dark Scavenger
Deep Eclipse
Dreaming Sarah
Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos
eXceed - Gun Bullet Children
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Gemini Rue
Hunter´s Trophy 2 – America
Little Gardens
Master Reboot
Metal Planet
Noir Syndrome
One Day for Ched
One Finger Death Punch
Paranautical Activity
Pathogen Wars
Project Night
Radical Roach
Reversion: The Meeting
Rush for Glory
Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe
Sinister City
Super Panda Adventures
Steam and Metal
Steamalot: Epoch´s Journey
Tales of the Orient: The Rising Sun
The Lady
The Loot Castle
The Perfidous Petrol Station
The Golden Jubilee Bundle:
Ballads of Reemus: When the Bed Bites
Star Hammer Tactics
Akaneiro: Demon Hunters
Bird Assassin
Amazing Zombie Defense
Zombie Football Carnage
March of War (10$ in-game coupon)
For the moment offers.
If you're in doubt just ask, you won't get more than a "Thank you but, no. :P"
UPDATED on 9/Oct/2014