I have...

A verified PayPal ($11.80 USD - See Description for details on why it isn't the full $12).

I want...

The Tier 1 of the Hooked on Multiplayer Bundle and the Early Unlocks from this month's HB Monthly.

Alright, lots of reading ahead, but there is free stuff in it for you, so stay strong, my traders! :D


  1. A Verified PayPal.
  2. A new+ HB account (if you don't have this, just make a Gmail account and use it to create one).
  3. A SteamTrades and Steam Account in good standing (determined by me).
  4. The PayPal you're using has been used for two (2) or less Monthly's already this month.
  5. After I add you on Steam, say "Whale" in Steamchat so I know you read the requirements :).

How it works:

  1. You will leave a post on this thread. After being screened by me, I will add YOU.
  2. After confirming that you read the rules, I will send $11.80 to your Verified PayPal address.
  3. You will purchase the first tier of the Hooked on Multiplayer bundle ON THE ACCOUNT YOU WILL BE PURCHASING THE MONTHLY ON. You keep Eon Alter Episode 1, the other two game you will send to me as keys.
  4. You will then buy the bundle using my Referral link, and send me the two games as Gift links or keys (I will let you know which type I need from you).
  5. That's it! You get to keep the rest of the games when they unlock! You may wish to Cancel your subscription so it doesn't charge you for the next month automatically. If you need help doing this after the trade, just let me know!
  • = Have never bought a Monthly before - buying regular bundles is fine.

Happy Trading!


7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.