Yep, yet another bundle of super cheap games. It looks, well, almost exactly like the Humble Bundle, but hey, more games for us and more money for charity. You pay what you want and then divide the donation between charity, devs, and a tip. All the codes are redeemable on Steam, and they send you an email with the codes in the text body.

Games included are:

Zombie Shooter 1 & 2,
Hacker Evolution: Duality Code,
Hacker Evolution: Untold Code,
Your Doodles Are Bugged!

Plus you get a download for the Zombie Shooter main theme, and an exclusive DLC for YDAB with 5 easter theme doodles.

Not the most well known stuff, but like I said, more games for cheap. And if anybody wants the games but can't buy them for whatever reason, let me know and we can work out a trade.

1 decade ago*

Best Bundle EvER

1 decade ago

Thanks alot!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.