I have...

Steam game giveaway
Hi im giving away these steam games and card, more games being added soon:
Thief gold (1998) - $6.99
zombie playground - $9.99
Toki tori - $4.99
Big buck hunter arcade - $9.99
Star wars X - Wing Allince - $9.99
Day of the trumplings - $0.99
Breath of death VII - $2.99
The GRAND Prize - 1 $5 steam code

I want...

Ways to enter:
1 card from a bad steam game - 3 points
1 card from a good steam game - 8 points
1 good 1 buck or $0.99 cent game - 250 points
1 bad 1 buck or under game - 50 points
1 good $3.50 - to 5 dollar game - 999 points
1 steam emoticon - 75 points
1 steam backround - 100 points

I will friend you on steam if you put trade up

6 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.