Here's the deal: I'm from Europe and a while ago I bought New Vegas Collector's from the US. This means I have a US version installed and i cannot buy the 4 DLCs (Old World Blues, Lonesome road, Honest Hearts and Dead Money) because Steam says I don't have New Vegas (although I do, but not the EU version). I also can't buy the Ultimate Edition because it says I already have the game. Yes, it's retarded.

So I need someone to buy the 4 DLCs as gifts (10$ right now, they're on sale) and I will buy, in exchange, a game of appropriate value and trade it for the DLCs.

Please add me if you're interested ASAP cause there's only one hour left.

1 decade ago*

Double that gentleman, want exactly the same.

1 decade ago

Best way i say is your buy the ultimate edition on another account. Cause isnt ultimate edition basically same price as all dlcs?

1 decade ago

I'd buy the ultimate edition on another account and gift it to myself, but I'm not sure that'll work. Someone tried the same with the DLCs and it didn't.

1 decade ago

Come on you guys, help us)

1 decade ago

I'll try gifting the Ultimate Edition to myself when there are 10-15 minutes left to see if it works, if nobody takes me up on the offer.

1 decade ago

nope, doesn't work :(

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.