I have...

Ancestors legacy - 2€
Phantom doctrine - 2€
Dean in vinland - 2€
Horizon chase turbo - 1€
Dark future - 1€
Desert child - 1€
Aegis - 1€
Xmorph defense - 1€

Fluffy horde - 1€
Chasm - 2€
Regular human basketball - 1€
Sword legacy omen - 2€
Blaconing simulator - 1€

I want...

Paypal EU. If there are any fees, they are on you.

If you want more than one game or all of them then i'll lower price. You're welcomed to offer your price if you buy multiple games.

4 years ago*

Phantom Doctrine please?

EDIT Sorry, traded for it in the meantime.

4 years ago*

Shadow + Phantom for 7 euro ?

4 years ago

hey, 3 euros for blasphemous?

4 years ago

i made a list of my leftover games from humble bundle to offer in exchange for 'blasphemous.' i can give you gift links, whenever possible.

4 years ago

I can do 6€ for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Or 8,5€ for Shadow of the Tomb Raider + Ancestors Legacy + Phantom Doctrine. I'm from EU so no fees.

4 years ago

Closed 3 years ago.