All games are RoW. I am a brazilian and i use the brazilian store for obvious purposes.

Borderlands2 single copy - 3 TF2 keys

OR Borderlands2 single copy for 2 TF2 keys and 1 TOD (tour of duty ticket) each, for that you have to open one of my 4-packs and receiving a copy at the moment you open it, however, i recquire to receive 8 TF2 keys, that is a 4-pack price and is a warranty to ensure i am not having troubles if one tries to [color=#F00][b]scam[/b][/color] me[/u], from you in the first trade, and whenever you trade the 3 copies you received, i will be trading 6 TF2 keys back. I have some rep on Steamtrades and got some comments in my Steam profile, so i hope we can have a nice trade without worries. By the way, if you cannot use market/have been market banned, be aware you will not be able to trade the copies, they will be tagged as untradable.

Borderlands2 4-pack- 8 TF2 keys
Borderlands2 GOTY - 6 TF2 keys and a tod

9 years ago*

I can do 3 Borderland 2 copies for 6 keys if you want,add me to discuss.

9 years ago

Added you to talk about.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.