I am looking for someone from Ukraine that I could add to my friendlist and keep as a trading partner, that I can contact at times to buy games. Friend is a keyword.

I know how to check russian/ukrainian prices and can count, so my offers won't make You lose money. But they won't be a rip off for me either.

So, if someone wants to have a regular customer that wont lowball him, while providing a steady profit, feel free to add me ;)
Im polish btw, and thats fucking hilarious we have to pay in € when just a little bit east of us people got prices appropriat to their wages :)

BTW: I won't make you lose money, but dont expect me to pay 1,3€ fees or something like that. I want a person that will do that as a favor and anything I pay over is for me considered a gift/top. Any greedy people and there is plenty of them here, charging 1,5€ more for games etc. is not who I'm looking for.

Ok, I'll make an example:

I know there is DI Riptide for 4,67€ for you atm. Id like to get 3 copies of it for 8 cs:go keys + 3 star wolves cards. According to my calculation, thats around ~0,4€ profit for You.

Later I might want to buy State of Decay and Castle Story, or Hitman Absolution. That will also yield some 0,x€ tip/fee.

The fee will vary, but it will always be from 0,3-1€.

Steady profit for you, less time wasting to find a reasonable trader for me.
And if you consider your 5 clicks to buy game and make a trade worth more, dont waste our both time by adding me and asking for more...

And adding me and saying you want to "help me" with purchase of games and then telling you don't like that kind of profit is just... ;) Be honest, at least with yourself.


1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.