I have...

Sekai Bundle - All 3 Tiers

I want...

9 CSGO Keys

Available as individual gift links.
BTC/Keys much more preferred than game offers
Not splitting up the bundle either.

6 years ago*

Hi, I'm interested in one unit. Can i offer you Connan Exiles or 8 CSGO keys for the bundle?


6 years ago*

Hi. If you could add a skin or something else roughly worth 2$ with the keys, that could work. Not too keen on looking to trade the bundle for games right now.

6 years ago

Could be two stickers of Drug War Veteran? Anyway, I already have the stickers, but I would have to buy the keys in the market and they would take a week to become tradeable.

6 years ago

That'll work, yeah. But I'd strongly recommend buying the keys from Steamtrades instead since it'll be considerably cheaper. If you prefer buying it from Steam, just message me whenever you're ready. I'll hold the bundle till then.

6 years ago

I'm ready, I can exchange the keys.

Edit: Thanks for the trade.

6 years ago*

Closed 6 years ago.