I'm really only interested in the X-Com collection and Spec Ops. So if someone's only interested in the Bureau and its pre order dlc, Im up for a split on the GMG deal.

10£/ 16$/ 12€ each, via paypal.

Anyone? :)

(Sorry if this isn't the right place for this kind of thing, but it seemed a better choice than steamgifts)

1 decade ago*

post in this group,it is not worth that much


1 decade ago

A brand new game is not worth 16 dollars?

Thanks for the link

1 decade ago

I've got an X-Com Collection key from GMG, but no longer have my Spec Ops key. Maybe you want to wait a bit to see if you can find someone with both first, but let me know if you're interested in making a deal.

1 decade ago

16$ is pretty nice. I`ll think about it and if you wont find anyone we can make a deal.

1 decade ago

Isnt it cheaper if you just trade those 2 games you want?

I can provide Spec Ops for you for 3tf2 keys($6). X-Com Col I dont have but its cheaper than Spec Ops.

1 decade ago

If you still havent found people I can do that with you.

1 decade ago

X-Com: Enemy Unknown - maybe something from here ? >> http://www.steamtrades.com/trade/A1ATn/w-fear-2-reborn-h-see-list-bonus

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.