I have...

Watch Dogs 2 uPlay Nvidia voucher

I want...

26.50$ / 25 euro Paypal Only. Its useless offering anything else or less.

Anyone interested in Watch Dogs 2 uPlay Europe? Nvidia coupon. I need 26,50$/25€ PayPal and I'll be getting them on demand. Estimated delivery: within 48h. Buyer goes first, but not in advance. You pay when I have the code. Redeem at https://redeem.geforce.com/ .

Afaik it only works for the EU region. The rest of the world possibly with vpn but I personally wouldnt go there

The promotion ends at 02/28/2017. So redeem before that date else the code is useless. The game ofcourse will be forever in your uPlay account after activation.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.