NA region if it matters
Coral island - GONE Guardians of the galaxy - 2.5 tf2 Astrea - GONE Lost eidolons - GONE Infraspace - GONE You suck at parking complete - 1 tf2
Would take gems at 6k per tf2 key
Tf2 keys Gems Offers
Thanks for looking
hi, 2 tf2 + hero's hour or tabletop simulator(gift tradable) for guardians of the galaxy?
0.5 tf2 key for you suck at parking?
Sorry, 1 tf2 key. I would trade it for a different game if you have a list for me to look at?
I hv shadow of mordor goty gog key if you interested to trade
Oh I have the gog prime gaming stuff or I would have been interested
NA region if it matters
Coral island - GONE
Guardians of the galaxy - 2.5 tf2
Astrea - GONE
Lost eidolons - GONE
Infraspace - GONE
You suck at parking complete - 1 tf2
Would take gems at 6k per tf2 key
Tf2 keys
Thanks for looking