Will be best if I just post the STEAMREP case link:


Be aware and dont trade with that kids.

I havent lost much, but if they scammed now for little, they will eventually scam for big.
And trying to make someone believe in some other human being death is unforgettable.


I have reasons to believe dallz account was hijacked by the other guy. Contacted his other friends and car accident really happened but for what I know dallz wasnt involved but his brother and it was yesterday. Dallz didnt show on skype since yesterday and he supposingly is always on skype when he plays.


I talked with dallz on skype. He is innocent and gave me that bravo case. His brother is really injured and in hospital. As for k1ss he says he also got hijacked but i dont believe in that. He traded with me earlier and knew about our agreement from few days back.

1 decade ago*

Sorry dabro, but this is hilarious. A mother playing CS:GO instead of mourning his dead son just to fulfilling his last wish of getting some CS:GO items, what a remarkable woman :D. Faking death just to scam $1.50 isn't worth it, kids these days. But good luck and have a nice day.

1 decade ago

Wow, just wow...

1 decade ago

LOl one of the scammer pretending to died. May his soul rest in peace in HELL

1 decade ago

Wow, his "mother" has terrible grammar.
My kid died in a car accident, his last wish was cs:go items....yeah..... thats beyond a scam its just....bad...like terribad...like so terribad it needs its own word...

1 decade ago

It is epic ...

1 decade ago

I have reasons to believe dallz account was hijacked by the other guy. Contacted his other friends and car accident really happened but for what I know dallz wasnt involved but his brother and it was yesterday. Dallz didnt show on skype since yesterday and he supposingly is always on skype when he plays.

1 decade ago

You might be right about the hijacked account, it's clear that you were talking to the same person both times, he always "cuts" sentences:

16:27 - dallz: ok son, go report a
16:27 - dallz: anything u want since nobody cares
16:27 - dallz: just stop chatting please i have a funeral to finish
16:27 - dallz: do whatever you want
16:27 - dallz: and dont chat me anymore again
16:27 - dallz: thanks

13:22 - lancemi3d: ok
13:22 - lancemi3d: i was talking
13:22 - lancemi3d: with dallz
13:22 - lancemi3d: he will give u

1 decade ago

I talked with dallz on skype. He is innocent and gave me that bravo case also. His brother is really injured and in hospital. AS for k1ss he says he also got hijacked but i dont believe in that. He traded with me earlier and knew about our agreement from few days back.

1 decade ago


1 decade ago

ROFL thanks for warning on my profile but the guy seems like a nice one XD

1 decade ago

Hi, k1ss here. I dont know why you did this all before u checked, and i dont know why you cant accept me on steam? I asked you yesterday 10 times for explanation whats going on... i talked with dallz, he told me quite all i wrote here... People talk to me how i am a scammer for what? There is possibility cause me and dallz usually play in internet caffe cs:go that somebody did that from there, but i dont know for real... however, there is still terraria in my inventory, and i dont know why you think i wasnt hijacked too or where is your evidence? And few days back? When i talked to you about it? I just know that i already tooked 1terraria before from you, and it was all fine, u even said that u will believe me, cause i owned you 5 steam cards of Terraria, all 4 i get i gave to you, is that true or not? Im still waiting for 5th to be dropped... and why i didnt scammed u then? Or whatever... I just see you make a big mess here, so this chat log evidence is nothing for me since it wasnt me... I still cant believe this is real... sorry if my english is bad, not my main...

1 decade ago

Closing the thread. If it really wasnt you, best of luck in proving that.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.