I have Steam keys for the following games:
Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
Medal of Honor
Mirror's Edge
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition (x2)
Trine 2
Europa Universalis 3
Magicka & Crusader Kings 2

I have Origin keys for the following games:
Crysis 2: Maximum Edition (x2)
Dead Space
Medal of Honor(x2)

I also have a handful of cards in my inventory.
At the moment I'm looking to get one full set of Arma 3 Cards. I only trade cards 1:1. If you try to bullshit me by saying "My card is worth more than yours on the market" then sell your damn card on the market and quit trying to trade them.

1 decade ago*

trine 2 for eets

1 decade ago

anything for crusader?

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.