I'm willing to trade any 30$ game (or mix of games) for the Max Payne franchise. I missed the last day of summer sale because my flight arrived late, but I already had the money to buy the games (which valued around 25$ during the sale). If my offer interests anyone, just post here or add me (S-ngularity). Thanks.

1 decade ago*

Yo, I'll give you the Max Payne bundle for Dark Souls.


1 decade ago

Nope, thanks. If by "bundle" you mean franchise, I'm looking for someone who is basing the offers on the sale prices, not the full price. Probably that someone will be a person who wanted games which weren't on the sale, because I'll buy the games on his demand (full price, because the sale is over, up to ~30$). If by "bundle" you mean the bundle (MP 1 and 2), it was worth 3,74$ on the sale. Not anywhere near the price of Dark Souls.

1 decade ago

U can get such a bundle with no more than $30 purchased in places like BR

In most regions, it's 30 bucks for the single MP3

1 decade ago

I'll sell you the 1+2 pack for its deal price of $3.74, or you can try an wait for a deal on all 3.

1 decade ago

Ok. I added you on steam, we can talk more there.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.