Why a riddle? - Because nothing in this world is for free and i'd like to see if someone participates, be it just for fun or to get the game key

Why math? - Because i like it, just as i like people who also do and because you kind of need a specific age to be able to solve it, so not everyone is able to get it, as this is a game that is not intended to be played by too young fellow gamers

Is this fake? - No. I even double checked my calculations, so they should be fine, although making mistakes is still human

What should i do if i got a solution? - Try it and see if you are the first and thereby our lucky winner!

What should i do if i can't solve it? - Better luck next time. Feel free to rage on any youtube video that offends you, but please not in this thread. Thank you very much


The Dead Space key for Origin consists of 20 charactes alltogether. In this case we are looking at each pair of 4 seperately, which means XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX - XXXX. Each pair will be calculated on its own!
The calculation works as follows: I am giving you the key in hexadecimal system and you will have to transform it into "riddle system", which consists of 36 characters (letters A to Z and numbers 0 to 9).
The chronical order of "riddle system" looks like this: Z, Y, X, W, .... C, B, A, 1, 2, 3, ... 9, 0 .

Example: "20" (decimal system) would be "14" (hexadecimal system) and would be "G" ("riddle system")


DC01D - 1573B1 - CAAE8 - 1F369 - 51904 (remember to calculate each pair on its own!)

Have fun!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.