Hopefully someone picked up an extra copy of Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition the other weekend when it was on sale for 9 bucks.

Willing to trade a combination of Don't Starve, Dota2 Items/Couriers, TF2 items, or Dota 2.


1 decade ago*

Would you trade anything here for Don't Starve, or do you only want Dragon Age?

1 decade ago

Only really looking for Dragon Age: Origins UE, after I missed out on the 9 dollar sale cause I was out of the country during Thanksgiving.

Sorry :(

1 decade ago

Your inventory is unviewable

1 decade ago

Should be working now.

Alot of people having this issue, had to do some stupid "fix" until the Steam server issue is fixed.

Here's the fix for anyone else having this problem in this thread...


1 decade ago

Don't Starve for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm beta key

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.