I have...

Just Cause 3

I want...

Far Cry 4, games.

Only accepting games, feel free to leave offers.

8 years ago*

I have:
Commander: Conquest of the Americas Gold-$9.99
Dead Bits-$0.49

East India Company Gold-???

Eurofighter Typhoon-$9.99
Fractured Space-$9.99

Incoming Forces-$9.99
Knight and Merchants-$6.99

Overcast-Walden and the Werewolf-$0.99

Pirates of the Black Cove Gold-$9.99
Steal & Steam: Episode 1-$4.99

Two Worlds II-$2.79
Two Worlds: Epic Collection-$9.99


I am willing to give you multiple games for your Just Cause 3 game.
I only have these as Steam games. Not keys or giveaways, so if you are interested in trading you will have to explain to me how.

*These prices are based on the price of games on steam without sales.

8 years ago

no offense dude but no1 is going to give u unbundled games for free games even if u offer all of these., best u can get out of it would be few small bundle games

8 years ago

Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition?

8 years ago

Mad Max+DLC or Mortal Kombat X Premium or Dying Light or Batman Arkham Knight or Dark Souls 2 for it

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.