I have...

I have 300+ Full Sets of Trade Cards from 250+ different games ready to be crafted!

I want...

1 csgo key for 6 full sets.
1 tf2 key for 5 full sets

I have 300+ Full Sets of Trade Cards from 250+ different games ready to be crafted!
I am selling my Full Sets for keys:
6 full sets of Trade Cards for 1 csgo key.
5 full sets of Trade Cards for 1 tf2 key.

7 years ago*

Is that the right link? It took me to your Steam forum post but I don't see any list of the sets...

EDIT: Thanks for chat. Keep in mind he is not offering ANY set, just reasonable value ones. So you have to find out how much the sets are worth first.

7 years ago*

Sure, where did you read what i am offering ANY sets?

"6 full sets of Trade Cards for 1 csgo key.
5 full sets of Trade Cards for 1 tf2 key."

And you are right, i will delete the link to a list of my sets.

7 years ago*

Do you have a list per chance? Just to save scrolling through 300+ sets...

7 years ago

If you are looking something special, you can use a search (a filtr) inside an inventory.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.