Unusual Tinkbot

Dota 2
Mythical Courier
Fed up with conventional delivery methods, Tinker set to work on something he felt was a bit more reliable.

Effect - Rubiline Sheen
Ethereal Gem

Colour - Rubiline
Prismatic Gem

Price: 14k

1 decade ago*

I could offer 4 keys for it, but that's about all I would want to be into this particular courier. If not, then good luck. :)

1 decade ago

sorry but i have to decline, thanks for your offer though

1 decade ago

Okay, but that is good offer. Rubilene Tinkbot is selling for around $12-14 on market, and that is after steam/valve gets their cut. If I went any higher, I would just end up losing on the deal. Anyway, good luck with your courier.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.