Trading all of my duplicate backgrounds and all of my emoticons for backgrounds that I currently do not have. Typically 1:1 trades are best. Feel free to send me a trade offer or just add me so we can trade. Also if you include your steamtrades profile link in the trade offer or just leave a rep, then I can find and give you a rep in return.

I will also trade for cards and potentially TF2 metal/keys/games/etc. Feel free again to trade offer or add me and we can figure something out.

9 years ago*

Bumping, already traded with three people and moved about 10 backgrounds and 5 emotes.

9 years ago

Would you also be interested in backgrounds for your emoticons?
I have a lot of duplicate BGs and I'm looking for emotes I don't have.

1:1 trades are fine with me in most of the cases, unless we're talking about really rare backgrounds like Diaspora.

9 years ago

Thats exactly what I want. Added to discuss.

9 years ago

Will you trade your skyrim heartfire background for one of my doubles?

9 years ago

Sure, added.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Thanks for the trade!

9 years ago

Thx as well ;).

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.