The pain, the pain! I have run out of money for this summer (only could spend $30, damn rent) sad

However! I have this key for Shadowgrounds Survivor (thank you SummerSeal) a game which I am not very interested in but was happy to receive and was hoping that maybe somebody has a home for this game which I will most likely never play. If somebody was they could kindly trade me for this cutesy item shop marvel.

Now now I am not trying to seem desperate or anything, I know I got this game for free an all, I just know if I activate the key it will sit dusty in my library and that is well, no fun.

If you wan't you can have the key before you even buy the game, I don't care I am a nice guy lol.

1 decade ago*

shadowgrounds keys are worth about a cent now

1 decade ago

Closed 9 years ago.