I have...


I want...


Need for friend

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago

I'd suggest closing this thread, since the only reason you made this was to get a better deal on OneShot, which you were only getting for me, you never actually got me OneShot, and you yourself have zero interest in.

To anyone reading this, don't expect to get any good deals. This guy can't even pay $6 for a game.

Also, OneShot is a great game and I'm really enjoying it, no thanks to you!

6 years ago

You know what, fuck you. Im not closing this. This kid blackmailed me and tricked his friends into a fake giveaway to hold my negative in. You literally are trying to ruin my life. Get out of here or your getting banned.

6 years ago

Well, whatever. Keep up the proof of your lies for everyone to see! Don't let me stop you!

Never blackmailed and the only one who did a giveaway was you, remember?

Not trying to ruin life, just trying to get some justice.

What power do you have to get me banned? It's a community effort to get someone banned, you can't just decide "I dOn'T lIkE hIm!" and think that will ban someone. LOL.

6 years ago*

I have screenshot proof, you have non.

6 years ago

Please, send them! By all means! I also have screenshot proof, if you would read my -rep on your page. You can't miss it! It's the big one! You know, the one that takes up most of your profile!

6 years ago

Also, get a job. You admitted your 10 and use a phone just to make your grammar look neater. Dont even try to say your 16 because you clearly dont have a credit card so have to beg people to get you games.

6 years ago

I never admitted to being 10 (SPOILER ALERT: I'm not!) and I don't use a phone to make my grammar look near, I just know how to type.

I never begged. In fact, if you want to talk about "begging" how about what look at your Steam Profile's description, huh?

Rip my friend deleted me and blocked me cause I won a bet and he had to buy me arma 3


R.I.P. My friend deleted me and blocked me because I won a bet and he had to buy me Arma 3!

I'll just leave that there

Also, you don't have a credit card. You had to buy Steam Wallet to get me the game that you never got me, or was that part of your lie too?

6 years ago*

Thats not betting kid, thats gambling.

6 years ago

Im Pretty sure saying " Please get me oneshot, if not ill leave this negative and expose you" Is blackmail. Stfu kid

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.