Welcome to my trading hub!

Add me on steam for fast replies to your offers.

Below you can find the list of games I currently have available for trading. Feel free to offer any game / item you want and we'll try to work out a deal.

Gifts available on steam:

Currently none.

Keys redeemable on steam:

Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Cities XL Platinum
Death to Spies: Gold
Divinity II: Developer's Cut
Earth 2160
Electronic Super Joy
Game of Thrones
Greed Corp
King Arthur Saga:

Games I REALLY want:

These are not the only games I accept on trade offers, these are only games I really want to get my greedy little hands on. Indies rock.
Castle Crashers
Little Inferno
The Stanley Parable
World of Goo
The Ball

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.