Looking for Dead Island or Arkham City for both games. If I receive no offers of these games, I'll probably accept other games like Limbo, Mirror's Edge etc (not HB, IG, IR, or TF2 items), leave offers here anyway
Also got new Humble Bundle if anyone is interested (Supr Meat Boy, Bit.Trip Runner, Jamestown etc)
killing floor for hacker evolution:duality?
Nah I'll pass. Looks pretty shit
ill give u borderlands goty for both :)
New Destiny 2: The Story So Far 2025
1 day ago
New Resident Alien Comic Collection
Build your own Pedal to the Metal Bundle
6 days ago
Yahtzee Croshaw’s Sci Fi and Fantasy Novels Bundle
1 week ago
Build your own Fanatical Favorites Bundle
Build your own Ruthless Bundle
Looking for Dead Island or Arkham City for both games.
If I receive no offers of these games, I'll probably accept other games like Limbo, Mirror's Edge etc (not HB, IG, IR, or TF2 items), leave offers here anyway