Thats all I can offer for it. (1 TF2 Key and Oil Rush (Key - so I may would go first))

Since it will be on sale soon (this evening as Valve announced) - would someone trade it?

Dead Island should be activatable in EU!

Cards I can offer:

The Shire (Bastion)

Finale - (Portal 2)

The Lab - (Portal 2)

Underground - (Portal 2)

I The Magican - (Binding of Isaac)

II The High Priestess - (Binding of Isaac)

IV The Emperor - (Binding of Isaac)

VI The Lovers - (Binding of Isaac)

VII The Chariot - (Binding of Isaac) x2

Rosabel - Trine 2

Tomb Raider - Summer Getaway

Dead Island Riptide - Summer Getaway

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.