I've just won Bit.Trip Beat on Play Blink (NOT STEAMGIFTS- Play Blink has more respect for its users and allows them to trade a game after winning) and having recently received the Breath of Death VII & Cthulhu Saves the World Double Pack, I know of a friend of mine who would likely enjoy them as well, and am hoping to get an extra copy of it.

EDIT: And I have received the game from Play Blink, so it is now ready for trade!

1 decade ago*

Something from here?

1 decade ago

Would you be willing to part with both Space Rangers and Razor2 for it?

1 decade ago

WTF? SG have no respect? I think you have 0 respect.
First of all SG is not money making machine. If you don't like games that are given away, then don't enter for them. There are hundreds of others, who actually WANT these games.
Secondly, Playblink IS money making machine, but for the owner, who takes 75% of all donations. Why he allows regifting? Because he needs more games on site, to attract more people and get more $$$.

1 decade ago

Erm... This isn't a forum to discuss the shortcomings of SteamGifts, I just mentioned the fact that it was won on PlayBlink so people from SteamGifts didn't ban me there. I never said anything about people making money; if they make money off of it, good for them. If not, that's nice... I don't see what either has to do with how they treat their users. Also, don't make the third word of your post something I don't care to repeat and then accuse me of having zero respect; I took my time to respond to your post despite it being completely off topic, and your baseless insults against me for expressing my appreciation to PlayBlink for treating its userbase with a modicum of dignity and respect.

1 decade ago

Talking is not forbidden, but you already broke site rules. I don't know where you see off-topic, but I'm clearly responding on your (baseless) statement.
Baseless "insults"? I will explain it more: people pay money to make others happy with games they bought. Then come some greedy users, who want to sell or trade games and they enter EVERYTHING they can, just to grab anything, take from the others. This is 0 respect. It's like taking food from Red Cross and trading it for other goods.
I told you why Playblink accepts regifting, comparing it to SG is not smart. They are 2 totally different sites, with different purposes.

1 decade ago

Yes, how greedy of people to trade a game to someone who wants it, thus making two people happy instead of just one! It's so awfully greedy of them to want others to be happy instead of just themselves...

Are you honestly trying to push that trading games is greedy? On a site that's all about trading games?

As for comparing it to SteamGifts, I use both sites, and they have the same basic purpose. I simply stated a fact about the two sites... If you can't handle the facts, then urge SteamGifts to treat its userbase better. Don't take it out on me because they look down upon people.

And yes, you insulted me. Just read the first three letters of your post- you couldn't even get that far without cussing.

Also, did you really just compare Steam to the Red Cross?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.