Stock: 25

Hi, i want to sell some of my tf2 keys but i have some terms of course:

+Verified Paypal ONLY.  
+You must have at least 30 positive rep.  
+You must have 0 -valid- negative rep.  
+At least 6 Month old steam account.  
+You will go first unless you have at least 100 positive rep.  
+Payment should be sent as gift (Family and Friends).  
+You will pay the fees if there is any.  
+You and me will add to trade a worthless item(crate,trading card,emotion,weapon etc.)  
+You must include the following description when sending the PayPal Money:  
-I, [your username], am using this money to be sent for virtual in-game items for the PC game Team Fortress 2.  
Due to the nature of the sales, I understand all sales are final and that I forfeit my right to chargeback. I am buying [no.] key for [price] each. My Steam ID is [Steam ID 64]-  
+I reserve the right to decline you if i dont trust you.   
+I will record everything to video capture.  

Write here if you want to buy and i will add you(be sure real me who add you).

ps. Check my game topic if you want :p :

ps2. scammers please don't waste your time anymore.

9 years ago*


9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.