I love the look of the lv2 Portal badge but lack the cards. As you can see from my profile I still need these cards for 2 sets:
1x Underground
2x Chell
2x Destruction
2x Finale
2x Lab

If you have these cards, I can give you Secret of Monkey Island - Special Edition. It's a tradeable copy.

I'd prefer it if you'd post here before adding me on the Steam client itself.

1 decade ago*

I have 2xThe Lab I can throw in SS FTE.

1 decade ago

A game can't really be split up in multiple pieces so I'd like to trade for all cards in one go. So yeah... can't really do this :) but thanks for the offer.

Also, I have no idea what you're referring to with "SS FTE" :/

1 decade ago

Did a quick search on the site for SS FTE... Sorry, not interested in the Serious Sam games.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.