I saw a lot of peoples trading their GOG version of Witcher 2, well I'm sure most of them is trying to abuse the "free backup copy"(www.gog.com/witcherbackup) that GOG provide. Because if you buy Witcher 2 keys from somewhere else beside GOG, after the keys has been used(for example on Steam), it can still be used on GOG, and I see many peoples abuse this.

I can't believe after CDKProject doesn't charges any money for Enhanced Edition, peoples still trying to abuse this. So for peoples who abuse this, go fk yourself.

tl;dr : read the damn thing.

1 decade ago*

rep+, thanks for letting me know.

Btw, do you know why so many amazon gift coupons has appeared on the market too?

1 decade ago

I have withcer on gog if u want to trade fo it ;)

1 decade ago

You could open a support ticket to try and get Witcher 2 added to the list of exploited keys. Just a thought.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.