I have...

2 copies of Exanima

I want...

3 x TF2, DoTA2, CS:GO Keys for each one

I have 2 copies of Exanima. These are Steam activation keys, I purchased it from game's website and these are RoW copies. You will activate the game first and send me the TF2, DOTA 2 or CS: GO keys after the activation. Write here and add me from Steam if you are interested.

8 years ago*

hey there, i'd offer 2 tf2keys, add me if interested :)

8 years ago

could add something more, added you for talk.

8 years ago

i'm interested if you still have one, let me know.

8 years ago

I still have it, add me on Steam and we can make the trade.

8 years ago

still interested in a trade..add me if you like...or accept my invite.. :)

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.