I have...


I want...

15 TF2 key or 30 euro paypal


It's a Rockstar code not a Steam code, so you download a 170 something MB exe file and install it I think (I have a steam version). Here is the offical instruction:

In order to redeem your key follow the instructions below:

  1. Go here https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/signup and log into your Rockstar Games Social Club account. If you don't have a valid account yet, join the Club!
  2. Enter your code on the Social Club Activation page (https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/activate/index-signin) and download the GTA V PC Setup Tool.
  3. Download* your game and enjoy!

If you are interested add me on Steam. Oh and please leave a comment here before adding me (I can filter the ones with low rep and bad rep this way)

9 years ago*


9 years ago

Trade done. Everything went well. Thanks!

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.