i know you already have the game but ive been searching for sooo long for mount and blade collection please could you trade it with me for Deus Ex: Human revolution that would be great please mate
I'm just curious, did you buy ALL of those? That's a lot of games.
Do you have awesomenauts by any chance?
Long time hard trading.
At this time, I dont have awesomenaouts. Maybe soon, don't know.
L4D2, Torchlight & Mirrors edge for CSS+Garry'smod
Or L4D2 & Mirrors edge for a seperate CSS gift
I would give Trine 2 for Mirror's Edge + bemine 4 (1$) --->
Add me if interested.
I don't got any Mirrors Edge... But, how about 3x Just Cause 2 (14.97€) for Driver: SF and PAYDAY™ The Heist? (12.68€ according to your list) :)
my Dead Space 1+2 for your LA Noire Complete Edition (it's 4:3 according to your prices)
You can check all the games on my inventory
I want copies of Mirror's Edge (2,49€ now) for my games.
This is especial for europeans (for the prices).
For 1x Mirror's Edge (2,49€):
For 2x Mirror's Edge (4,98€):
For 3 Mirror's Edge (7,47€):
For 4 Mirror's Edge (9,96€):
For 5x Mirror's Edge (12,45€):
For 6x Mirror's Edge (14,94€):
For 7x Mirror's Edge (17,43€):
Mirror's Edge
Mad Riders + DLC
Game offers (only tradable)
Tf2 keys/Bills/Buds.
Please, do not write "Interested in...?" "How much for..?"
Make your offer