I have...


I want...


Post your price and we can discuss.

8 years ago

Do you still need Insurgency?
Insurgency was once bundled with $4.99.
$4.99 - Tier 1: $1 - Tier 2: Bedlam($19.99x0.05 counts as 95%off for bundled) = $4.99-$1-$0.99 = $3
And I want Mysterious Card (Holiday Sale 2015) 3cards for each = Total 33 cards. => Almost $3 or cheaper if you have them earlier.
What do you think?
Of course you can trade me with other cards or things if you want to^^

8 years ago

Yes I am still looking for a copy. I have two "Summer Getaway Sale" cards... Not sure if you are looking for those. But I have a bunch of other cards I would trade for a copy. Feel free to add me and we can discuss. Thank you.

8 years ago

Done, I added you^^

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.