It's a steam key. It works. It's the game.

It vs. a giftable? You can give somebody a giftable.

Or trade them.

That's the difference between them.

1 decade ago*

do you accept paypal money?

1 decade ago

Takedown: Red Sabre - gift

Sniper Ghost Warrior Gold Edition - gift

Eryi's Action - key

Huntsman: The Orphanage (Halloween Edition)

any of these for it?

1 decade ago

no thanks.

1 decade ago

Does your Skullgirls gift include the DLCs?

1 decade ago

It does not include DLC.

and it's a code, if that really matters (it shouldn't if you're getting it for yourself.

My attitude on key vs. gift is this:
1) If I go first, and you validate, there's no trust issue
2) If you devalue it JUST because it's a key, I'll activate it on extra accounts I have for application uses/public facing rather than trade it cheaper. (Market opinion on this matters very little for me)

Nothing against you. I had an individual get 'smart' because it was a code vs. a gift, citing trust devalues it when I was ready to go first.

1 decade ago

I've traded with cdkeys before where I went first, and I never had any issues with it before. So it wouldnt have mattered if you had a key or gift.

But I need the DLCs as well, so thanks for the reply and good luck with your trade :)

1 decade ago

Thanks for the luck and good luck to you, as well!

1 decade ago

So, you want 4 keys? or I can offer 1 key + any $5 worth current live bundle gift link

Like a Blink bundle or Doorways bundle

1 decade ago

I can do 4

1 decade ago

Closed 5 years ago.